International Conference

“Global/Local Innovations for Next Generation Automobiles”

Part 1: Special Session of Tenth International Conference on Fluid Dynamics(ICFD2013)

OS5: “Global/Local Innovations for Next Generation Automobiles”

Organizers : A. Miyamoto(Tohoku University), P. Kapsa(Ecole Central de Lyon)


*Date*: November 25 (Mon) - 27 (Wed), 2013 

*Venue*: Sendai International Center


■【Day 1】 November 25 ( Mon)

OS5 Session Opening  13:00-13:10  

Akira Miyamoto and Philipe Kapsa

OS5-1  13:10-13:50 

Convergence of Transportation and Energy in the Future

Mark C. Williams (URS, USA)

OS5-2  13:50-14:30 

Research and development of fully automated vehicles

Keiji Aoki (Japan Automobile Research Institute, Japan)

OS5-3  14:30-15:10  

Human Factor Research Using a Driving Simulator

Kimihiko Nakano (The University of Tokyo, Japan)

OS5-6  16:50-17:30

NDT-Innovations in The Automotive Industrial Sector And To Light-Weight Materials

Gerd Dobmann (Fraunhofer-IZFP, Germany)

OS5-7  17:30-18:00

Compact-Sizing of Optical Topography Technology (NIRS)

Kiyoshi Hasegawa (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan)


■【Day 2】 Novenber 26 (Tue)


Poster session

Invited Lecture session

OS5-11  16:30-17:10

Can Functional Brain Imaging Prompt Innovations in Next-generation Automobiles?

Ryuta Kawashima (Tohoku University, Japan)

OS5-12  17:10-17:50

Alzheimer’s disease from pathology to therapeutics

Takeshi Iwatsubo (The University of Tokyo, Japan)


■【Day 3】 November 27 (Wed)

OS5-14  9:30-10:00

NH3-DeNOx Performance of the Composite [Fe-Beta + Fe(Mn)MCM-48]

Catalyst: Combining SCR Activity and NH3 Oxidation Activity for NH3 Slip Removal

Alexandr Yu. Stakheev, Dmitry A. Bokarev, Alina I. Mytareva (N. D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russia), Rajesh Kumar Parsapur and Parasuraman Selvam (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India)



OS5-15  10:00-10:30

Li-ion Battery Module for Small Electric Vehicles

Hiroshi Matsuo (Micro Vehicle Lab. Ltd., Japan)

OS5-16  10:40-11:00

Research and Development of Tribological Techniques for Automotive Parts

Naruhiko Inayoshi, Keiji Sasaki and Ryoichi Hombo (DENSO CORPORATION,Japan)

OS5-17  11:00-11:20

Starved Lubrication: Contribution of Laser Surface Micro-Texturing

Florian Brémond (IREIS, France), Denis Mazuyer (Ecole Centrale de Lyon,France), Philippe Maurin-Perrier (IREIS, France) and Juliette ayer-Barrioz(Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France)

OS5-18  11:20-12:00

Traffic Management Future

Reinhard Pfliegl (A3PS, Austria)

OS5-19  13:00-13:30

Tribology for the future: Biomimetism and Surface Engineering

Philippe Kapsa (Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Fracne)

OS5-20  13:30-14:10

Synthetic Biofuels From Biomass

Joachim Knebel, Nicolaus Dahmen and Jörg Sauer (Institute for Catalysis Research and Technology, Germany)

OS5-21  14:10-14:50

VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY & ENERGY CENTRE Canadian Applied Research Experience at Red River College

Ray Hoemsen (Red River College, Canada)

OS5-23  15:20-16:00

Modeling, Simulation, Analysis and Control of Freeway Traffic Corridors

Roberto Horowitz (University of California, USA)



Part 2: “Worldwide Leaders Meeting on Global/Local Innovations for Next Generation Automobiles”

 Organizers : A. Miyamoto (Tohoku University) and K. Nakatsuka(ICR)


*Date*: November 28 (Thu), 2013

*Venue*: Sendai Trust Tower


VisLab’s latest Autonomous Driving challenges: from intercontinental to urban tests
Alberto Broggi (VisLab, The Artificial Vision and Intelligent Systems Lab.)




"My Idea" session

Download "My Idea"  Part 1, Part 2