- Surface modification of Ti for antibacterial activity and rapid osseointegration
- Precipitate control of biomedical NiTi alloys
- Microstructural and cleanliness control of Ti using light elements
- Development of biomedical Co-Cr alloys through precipitation control
- In vivo corrosion behavior of metallic biomaterials and their allergic reaction

- Biomaterials
- Titanium
- Co-Cr alloy
- Calcium phosphate
- Interfacial reaction
- Surface modification

The proportion of elderly people in the population is rapidly growing worldwide. It is predicted that the number of patients suffering falls and deterioration of body functions will increase in this super-aged society. Our group focuses on the use of metallic biomaterials such as Ti alloys and Co-Cr alloys in reconstruction devices for the human body on the basis of their physical chemistry. We are working on the research to make stent more reliable and more durable by controlling microstructure of stent wires made of NiTi and Co-Cr alloys. Another study in our group is surface modification of metallic biomaterials, especially Ti alloys, to give them antibacterial activity and rapid osseointegration, that is, direct bonding between bone and Ti for dental implants and artificial joints. In addition to these, the research on production of highly-functionalized and low-cost Ti devices through microstructural and cleanliness control using light elements is conducted.