- Nano-precision grinding technology
- Nano-precision cutting technology
- Nano-precision polishing technology
- Nano-precision molding technology
- Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing
- New methods for micro-abrasive machining utilized electrorheological fluid(ERF)assisted technology

- Lithium ion battery
- Sensor, Safety and security
- Energy saving
- Comfortable life

Nano-Precision Mechanical Fabrication Laboratory (PM Lab) of Tohoku University focuses on the creation and development of new manufacturing principles and technologies. By combining young
researcher educations and technological innovations, the laboratory contributes to the competitiveness of Japanese manufacturing industry.
PM lab also aims to promote innovations of nano-precision Micro/Meso Mechanical Manufacturing (M4 process) at the frontier of manufacturing technology, including ultra-precision mechanical
manufacturing technologies for various shapes, nano-precision fabrication for 3D microstructures, atom/molecule manipulation for nanostructures and so on. Our goal is not only to create
high-precision shapes, but also to generate functional structures on the shape by controlling the micro textures.
We meet the challenge at the frontier of precision manufacturing with verve and zest. Finding solutions for the companies and collecting the feedback from industry to exploit the new frontier of
manufacturing are the continuous driving force to do the research. In the same time, sharing the global success and innovations with researchers from all over the world broadens our version and
urges us to make progress from time to time.