Strategy Regional Innovation Support Program by MEXT for recovery from Tohoku Disaster
Next Generation Automobiles in Miyagi
Industry-academia-government collaboration for the next generation of
automotive innovation : new products and system development of the university
≪The 4th Basic Phase of Human Resource development Program≫
Organizer: business products member Board & Research Promotion Committee
The project also becomes the fourth year , we are making efforts towards the specific challenges in that there is a lot of commercialization theme .
At the first human resource development course towards the promotion of commercialization and commercialization by industry, academia and government money , and
those who have been active in the local companies , the key themes towards commercialization , also talks about the appeal of regional business leaders It was conducted.In the second course we
organized a lecture about the competitive funds .In the third human resource development course ,we discussed about the keys of
project promotion which will be a major force for advancing the commercialization.
In the 4th human resource development courses to be a year last time , so far for the summary and results of four years of , also will be announced for the efforts toward commercialization.
Date and Time: February 17, 2016 10:00-17:00
Venue : Administration Office-School of Engineering, Qatar Science Campus Hall
Tuition Fee : Free
Topic : Research and development report meeting, Next Generation Automobiles in Miyagi
[Program]*Because it is in the adjustment , there is a possibility
to change .
10:00~10:10 Opening address
10:10~10:35 Prof. Tsunemoto KURIYAGAWA (Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku Univ.)
"Composite machining technology for automotive parts and high functionality "
10:35~11:00 Prof. Tomokazu MATSUE(Professor, The Advanced Institute for Materials Research,
Tohoku Univ.)
"Activities of COI northeast base"
11:00~11:25 Prof. Toshiyuki TAKAGI (System Energy Maintenance, Institute of Fluid Science,
Tohoku University)
"Research and development of non-destructive evaluation technology and
functionality sliding material for the safety and peace of mind and energy conservation"
11:25~11:50 Mr. Shigeki Mita(Chief, Promotion office for the automobile industry,
Miyagi Prefectural Government)
"Promotion measures of the automotive industry and the prefecture of Miyagi"
11:50~12:10 Free debate
(Inc. comments by Prof. Tokuta INOUE, senior research fellow, Tohoku University)
12:00~12:55 Lunch break in the restaurant " SHIKISAI", third floor, Aoba Memorial Hall
13:10~13:35 Prof. Osamu OKADA(Chief executive officer, Renaissance Energy Research Co., Ltd. )
"Development of heat resistance γ- alumina and its application to automotive catalyst"
13:35~14:00 Mr. Kingo Kuritani (Director of R & D Centre, Prospine Co., Ltd.)
"History of magnetic products development"
14:00~14:25 Mr. Wataru Watanabe(Chief engineer, Tanoi MFG. Co., Ltd.)
"Development of CFRP for the drill , " SCUTDRILL""
14:25~14:50 Prof. Masafumi Adshiri (Academic-industrial-alliance researcher, Adschiri lab.,
New Industry Creation Hatchery Center, Tohoku Univ.)
"Supercritical technology and its deployment"
14:50~15:15 Mr. Tsutomu IWAMA (General researcher, Industrial Technology Institute,
Miyagi Prefectural Government)
"Miyagi Prefectural Industrial Technology Center 's commitment to the automotive
industry promotion"
15:15~15:25 Break
15:25~15:50 Dr. Kazunori OHNO(Assistant professor, New Industry Creation Hatchery Center,
Tohoku Univ.)
"Efforts and achievements of the disaster response robot research"
15:50~16:15 Dr. Tomohiro KUBOTA(Assistant professor, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku Univ.)
"State-of-the-art battery technology infrastructure consortium efforts and achievements"
16:15~16:40 Dr. Hiroki GOTOH(instructor, Graduate school of Engineering,
Energy conversion system / advanced electromagnetic machine, engineering,
Tohoku Univ.)
"Next-generation electric vehicle for efforts to the motor development"
16:40~17:00 Free debate
(Inc. comments by Prof. Tokuta INOUE, senior research fellow, Tohoku University)
17:00~17:10 Closing address
17:15~ Industry-university-government exchange meeting
Aoba cafeteria DOCK , Central Building , first
Poster exhibition of speaker & snacks
[How to apply]
Please send the information below by e-mail if you can not apply in the above form.
[How to apply]
Please send the information below by e-mail if you can not apply in the above form.
Comany name:
Telephone No.:
Lunch party: Participate / Nonparticipate
Convivial Party: Participate / Nonparticipate
【WEB application deadline Feb. 12 (Fri)】
【Contact Information】
c_innovation* change * to @ when you send us e-mails)
TEL: 022-795-7233
Miyamoto Lab, NICHe, Tohoku University
Responsible: Miyako Osafune, Hiroko Chiba, Yuri Sasaki, Mizuho Hatakeyama, Momoko Ogata